Deciding to enter a drug or alcohol rehab treatment program is never easy. Though you may know deep down you have a problem, you may believe you have the willpower to get better on your own, without outside help. But beyond personal pride getting in the way, most people with substance misuse issues have a myriad of excuses to talk themselves out of getting treatment. Here are a few you may recognize as things you have said to yourself or others.
1. “I can quit anytime I want.”
One of the most common ways addicts try to stay away from rehab is to convince themselves that their behavior is a choice, rather than a severe health problem. Denial is a hallmark of addiction, and a significant barrier to treatment. After all, it is much easier to keep falling back into your patterns of substance misuse than it is to be honest with yourself about how your self-destructive behavior is harming yourself and everyone around you.
2. “I’m not doing anyone else any harm.”
Even if you have managed to admit to yourself that long-term drinking and drug use has severe health risks, not to mention potential consequences such as the loss of your job or going into debt to finance your habit, you may still be unwilling to concede that your behavior is harming anyone else. However, it’s essential to realize how your addiction is affecting those closest to you. For example, as your addiction takes hold, you may prioritize drinking or using drugs over spending time with your partner or children, thus eroding the relationships that are most central to your life.
3. “I can’t afford to miss work.”
Financial circumstances are another common excuse to avoid seeking addiction treatment. Many people believe they will not be able to fit a qualified treatment plan into their household budget, not realizing that many addiction centers accept major health insurance plans. People often believe leaving work to focus on their recovery will cause them to lose their jobs, and therefore their income. However, under the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act, you can take a leave of absence from your work while you pursue treatment, and still have a job to return to when you are ready to re-enter your regular life.
4. “Only hardcore addicts need to go to rehab.”
It’s common for movies and TV shows to depict addicts as desperate men and women who will only agree to enter treatment when they hit “rock bottom” – a point of no return such as injuring others while they are drunk or high. In the real world, rehab benefits anyone struggling with substance misuse, regardless of how severe you believe your addiction has become. It can be challenging to step outside yourself and evaluate your behavior in an honest light, which is why you should seek a professional opinion from a therapist who specializes in substance misuse treatment.
5. “I need drugs or alcohol to cope.”
People living with burdens such as trauma, depression or anxiety often seek to numb their feelings in intoxication. The temporary pain relief they experience when using these substances can be difficult to resist, even when they may know on an intellectual level that drugs and alcohol can compound mental health issues over time. If you drink or use drugs to self-medicate, entering a rehab facility where you can get treatment that addresses the root causes of your addiction is essential to reclaiming your mental health.
Request Help Now
Admitting you have a drug or alcohol problem you can’t solve on your own might be one of the most challenging things you’ll ever do, but it is a necessary step. If the time has come to seek professional help, the admissions team at New Found Life is here for you 24/7. Contact us today to get started on the right path.