Residential rehab programs provide essential support for people diagnosed with opioid use disorder (OUD) and other forms of substance use disorder (SUD). Clients who experience severe symptoms or have complex co-occurring conditions may benefit from participating in residential treatment before transitioning to lower levels of care. New Found Life offers comprehensive residential programs to support individuals struggling with addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.
Residential rehab programs provide 24/7 guidance, care, and support to individuals diagnosed with SUD. Clients live at the facility and may stay there for several months, depending on their needs. Treatment plans are carefully tailored to provide effective and appropriate care. Clients also develop a solid support network and learn essential life skills to prepare them for outpatient rehab.
Individuals and families struggling with substance dependence benefit from gaining a better understanding of addiction and long-term recovery. The experts at New Found Life use psychoeducation, relapse prevention, peer support, 12-Step immersion, and family support services to help clients and their loved ones navigate treatment. Every stage of rehabilitation is carefully explained to ensure clients understand how treatment will help them heal and move forward with their recovery journey. Clients are also educated about the various treatment options to ensure they make informed decisions about their care.
Being able to recognize the signs of SUD ensures people get treatment and support more quickly, reducing the risk of severe symptoms, complications, or long-term side effects. Some of the most common symptoms of alcohol or drug abuse include:
A medical professional must diagnose SUD. Some of the symptoms and side effects of substance abuse may overlap with co-occurring mental health issues. A clinical assessment is the only way to ensure an accurate diagnosis.
Residential rehab programs for alcohol or drug abuse provide clients with a safe and structured environment where they develop essential coping skills. The additional accountability, mandatory schedule, and peer support reduce the risk of relapse and encourage healthier routines.
Some of the primary benefits of residential rehabilitation include:
The constant support and guidance of clinicians and peers help clients overcome challenges in early recovery. Residential care promotes resilience and self-awareness by keeping clients focused on actively engaging in treatment. Individuals with more complex co-occurring conditions benefit from the additional access to one-on-one therapy and treatment services available in residential programs.
The welcoming, inclusive, and supportive environment at New Found Life provides clients with a safe space to heal and grow. Treatment plans are personalized to each client’s needs, allowing people to recover at their own pace in a way that makes sense to them.
Families are encouraged to actively participate in the treatment process. Family engagement and a supportive environment increase the effectiveness of rehabilitation and reduce the risk of relapse during early recovery. Treatment focuses on maintaining long-term sobriety and establishing healthy lifestyle changes.
Social support is essential to recovery. People who build a strong support network and become active members of the sober community are more likely to adhere to treatment guidelines and maintain positive behavioral changes after completing rehab. New Found Life uses peer activities and group therapy to encourage peer interactions and positive social connections.
The evidence-based and holistic treatment modalities used in residential programs include:
Treatment plans and therapeutic modalities are tailored to each client’s clinical needs and personal preferences.
New Found Life offers short-term medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for individuals who need medication to manage symptoms during the early stages of recovery. Suboxone maintenance is not available in-house. However, clients who may benefit from Suboxone maintenance can be referred to outside services. Short-term MAT reduces cravings and other symptoms, allowing clients to focus on healing and building essential life skills.
New Found Life’s treatment programs focus on providing clients and their loved ones with the necessary tools, information, and resources to support ongoing sobriety. Family engagement in treatment provides additional accountability and emotional support. Many residential services offer families education and guidance to ensure clients and their loved ones feel confident in their ability to overcome challenges in treatment and ongoing recovery.
Relapse prevention education and strategies help clients and families navigate triggers and build healthy routines to support sobriety. Studies have shown that “the most common relapse prevention strategies have included therapy and skill development, medications, and monitoring.” New Found Life also encourages 12-Step immersion to prevent relapse during treatment and continuing care.
Some of the most common triggers and risk factors for relapse during rehabilitation and ongoing recovery include:
Treatment programs prepare clients to address potential triggers and cope with side effects. Clients gain tools and learn strategies for maintaining sobriety as they reintegrate back into the community.
Residential rehab is effective because it gives clients the time and space to successfully learn about and manage their condition without worrying about outside interference, distractions, or everyday triggers. The carefully controlled environment and therapeutic modalities reduce stress and ensure clients learn the skills to overcome setbacks. Residential care also makes it easier for clients to build strong connections with peers and repair relationships with loved ones. The constant access to community support improves social bonds and creates a sense of fellowship.
Outpatient services offer more flexibility and independence than residential programs. However, many people who benefit from residential care have more severe or persistent symptoms that require additional structure and medical care to treat. Compared to residential programs, outpatient programs have fewer one-on-one therapy sessions and fewer educational opportunities.
Residential care immerses clients in the 12-Step philosophy and teaches them life skills they can practice during their stay. Individuals with less social support often benefit from residential care, where they have access to a welcoming community of peers. Compared to most other programs, residential programs have a longer length of stay, reducing the risk of relapse by giving clients more time to build healthy routines and habits.
For individuals and families struggling with addiction, choosing the right residential rehab program in Los Angeles, California, may feel overwhelming. The compassionate and dedicated experts at New Found Life have decades of experience helping clients and their loved ones successfully navigate recovery from SUD. Potential clients can speak with an intake specialist to learn more about the various programs and treatment options available to individuals with substance use disorder.
Residential treatment programs provide essential guidance and support to individuals experiencing substance dependence. Many people with substance use disorder have difficulty building healthy routines outside of structured care. Residential treatment gives them the time and space to develop life skills, including effective communication. The clinical team ensures that clients have a strong support network in place and practical coping strategies before transitioning them into lower levels of care. Clients and their loved ones benefit from this additional support during the initial stages of recovery. To learn more about the programs and services offered at New Found Life, call our office today at (562) 434-4060. We can help you heal from the effects of substance abuse.