Inpatient vs. Outpatient Treatment

inpatient vs. outpatient

New Found Life offers inpatient and outpatient treatment to meet our clients’ needs regardless of where they are in the recovery process. Each option offers distinct advantages and caters to different needs and circumstances.

Inpatient Treatment – an Immersive Experience

Inpatient, or residential, treatment involves living at our men’s or women’s rehab facility full-time. During your stay with us, you will benefit from a structured environment and schedule filled with a combination of proven therapies aimed at optimizing healing. This predictability can be tremendously beneficial in breaking the self-destructive cycle of addiction.

Full immersion in a recovery-focused setting eliminates the triggers, stressors and distractions of daily life, allowing you to concentrate on what you need to do to get better. Our team of clinicians will work with you daily to create a holistic treatment plan to build your foundation for long-term sobriety.

Residential treatment is particularly beneficial for clients with a dual diagnosis of addiction and a mental health disorder like depression or PTSD. Here, you can receive integrated therapies designed to address both issues under one roof.

Outpatient Treatment – Maintaining Your Routine While Healing

Outpatient treatment provides a flexible alternative to residential care, allowing you to stay in your home and continue meeting your day-to-day responsibilities. We offer day and evening options to fit into your busy schedule, making it easier to receive the attention you need without significantly disrupting your daily life.

  • Relapse prevention: Knowledge is a cornerstone of sustained recovery. Our outpatient program will teach you how to recognize triggers and equip you with tools to avoid a return to substance use.
  • Accountability: We incorporate randomized drug screenings into outpatient treatment to ensure our clients maintain their commitment to sobriety.
  • Case management: You can count on our dedicated case managers to help you find the resources you need to set realistic goals and adjust to life outside treatment, providing a customized roadmap that respects your lifestyle.

Choose Your Recovery Experience

Use these factors to help you decide between inpatient and outpatient treatment.

  • Severity of addiction: We often recommend inpatient treatment for those whose addiction has progressed to a severe stage, clients who are returning to rehab after relapsing or anyone who requires a completely neutral, drug-free environment to focus on recovery.
  • Home environment: Inpatient treatment can be a haven if your current living situation is not conducive to sobriety due to too many triggers and negative influences.
  • Weight of daily responsibilities: Many people have significant work or family responsibilities they cannot afford to put on hold. Outpatient treatment may be a better choice if you are a busy professional or a parent with young children. It allows you to receive evidence-based therapy while continuing to manage your daily duties.
  • Presence of a support system: The presence of positive, compassionate influences at home can make outpatient treatment a viable option, allowing you to lean on your loved ones while working through the recovery process.

At New Found Life, our team is here to help you make the best choice for your unique situation. Research shows a correlation between longer treatment times and more favorable outcomes. That’s why we will walk with you every step of the way toward a successful recovery, whether you opt for the immersive experience of inpatient treatment or the flexibility of outpatient care. Contact us today to request help.